dimanche 1 août 2010

M.S.T: P.U.C

When I have organized my first gig in 1989, MST played with Le Clone, Flitox and Razzle Dazzle.
They have began in 1985 and only the drummer Jeannot was in the original line-up. Amédé have also created the records shop Terminal in Paris. Mickey Maouss have created Folies Melodies after that he was also involved in the gig organization Sdg Warhead and now he have a bar (La Cantada) in Paris. Bouss played guitar in MST and in the same time he played with Razzle Dazzle and after he played with Kickback. M.S.T had put out 2 singles and 2 LPs, this one is from 1988.

For this record members was:
Mickey Maouss.................voices
Teuf....................................lead guitar
Bouss..................................rythm guitar


4 commentaires:

  1. Salut,
    J'ai une question a propos de ce concert,est-ce que tu en as toujours la vidéo ?
    (comme mentionné ici : http://keponteam.org/index.php/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1334 )
    Merci d'avance.

  2. Salut,

    Oui j'ai toujours la VDO de ce concert. Pourquoi?


  3. Personne ne repondant sur KT,je me suis adressé a toi.
    J'aimerais vraiment reussir a le voir,notamment la partie Flitox (trés attaché au groupe : premier skeud,premier concert) et ça m'a tout l'air d'une belle archive d'epoque.
    Merci pour ta reponse.
    @ bientot.

  4. Salut,

    C'est toi qui la cherche sur KT, je viens de répondre justement. Je te laisse un lien sur KT.

